Bee hives in the farm
A Beautiful sunny day at Holgate site.
An eye opening experience with beekeeper Ben Brown
successful nucleus hive
Liquid gold honeycomb created from the hard work of the bees
Over filled hive
Volunteering in the Amateur Beekeeper's Club market stall
Second Prize at the 2019 Sydney Royal Easter
Various honey from the NSW region and local sites
Winning ribbons from the Annual Central Coast Regional Show
Our precious hardworking bees
Honeycomb by Natural Hive
Natural Hive Australia's Aussie bee mascot
Hives at Bell's at Killcare
Our award winning 'Coastal Bush' honeycomb packaged
Amazing shot of the bees carrying pollen
Thrilled at the amazing results awarded for our honeycomb!
Queen excluder to keep the queen from going up to the super box
Hives in West Gosford
Car boot sale organised by Gosford High School 2018
Hives at Holgate
Filling our jars with liquid gold iron bark honey!
Hive in our backyard - Bees cooling down on a hot summer day
Bees hard at work outside their hive
Hives at Somersby
Smoking the hive to calm the bees
Hive at Point Clare
Super proud of 2019 Sydney Royal Easter Show!
Bees bringing nectar and pollen back to the hive
Humble bees bringing in pollen to feed their larvae
Another successful honeycomb harvest
Inside the super box: honeycomb created by the bees
Inside the super box: honeycomb created by the bees